Friday, April 9, 2010

It has come to the attention of the MCCCP that there is a bike rack leafleting campaign underway on Swanston St and in the CBD. We denounce any form of environmentally hostile and socially irresponsible advertising such as this, and remind the perpetrators of their obligations when bill posting. It would be irresponsible of the MCCCP to neglect to point out that this activity has been brought to the attention of the EPA in the past. One hopes that they weren't leafleting from their bicycles -- if cyclists crave equality on the road so much, perhaps this equality can be demonstrated through the use of the EPA's vehicle littering website.

It ranks as a new low in bungled marketing after a recent spate of footpath and bike lane defacement across Melbourne that still remains visible, despite assurances that it has been removed. Canning St and the Edinburgh Gardens still bear the scars of this group's misguided and uncoordinated vandalism. At least the hopefuls in the BV board elections used chalk and not chalk paint!

Perhaps these litterers should instead look inward to find the reasons the polo ranks in Melbourne have suffered such attrition in recent months. We'd hate to think that bikes need 'No Junk Mail' signs to avoid being pestered like this, and again ask exactly how this kind of irritation serves anything more than to appease perpetually bruised egos and fuel inextinguishable narcissism.

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